Source code for tridesclous.catalogueconstructor


.. autoclass:: CatalogueConstructor


import os
import json
from collections import OrderedDict
import time
import pickle
import itertools
import datetime
import shutil
from pprint import pprint

import numpy as np
import scipy.signal
import scipy.interpolate

import sklearn
import sklearn.metrics

from . import signalpreprocessor
from . import  peakdetector
from . import decomposition
from . import cluster 
from . import metrics

from .tools import (median_mad, get_pairs_over_threshold, int32_to_rgba,
                                rgba_to_int32, make_color_dict, get_color_palette)
from . import cleancluster

from .iotools import ArrayCollection

from . import labelcodes

from .cataloguetools import apply_all_catalogue_steps

from .waveformtools import  compute_sparse_mask, compute_shared_channel_mask, compute_projection, compute_boundaries

from .jobtools import run_parallel_read_process_write

_global_params_attr = ('chunksize', 'memory_mode', 'internal_dtype', 'mode', 'sparse_threshold', 'n_spike_for_centroid', 'n_jobs') # 'adjacency_radius_um'

_persistent_metrics = ('spike_waveforms_similarity', 'cluster_similarity',
                        'cluster_ratio_similarity', 'spike_silhouette')

_centroids_arrays = ('centroids_median', 'centroids_median_long', 'centroids_mad', 'centroids_mean', 'centroids_std', 'centroids_sparse_mask')
# centroids_sparse_mask is for plotting only

_reset_after_peak_sampler = ('some_features', 'channel_to_features', 'some_noise_snippet',
                'some_noise_index', 'some_noise_features', 'some_waveforms', 'some_waveform_index') + _persistent_metrics + _centroids_arrays

#~ _reset_after_peak_arrays = ('some_peaks_index', 'some_waveforms', 'some_features',
                        #~ 'channel_to_features', 
                        #~ 'some_noise_index', 'some_noise_snippet', 'some_noise_features',
                        #~ ) + _persistent_metrics + _centroids_arrays

# 'some_waveforms', 'some_waveforms_sparse_mask'
_reset_after_peak_arrays = ('some_peaks_index', ) + _reset_after_peak_sampler

_persitent_arrays = ('all_peaks', 'signals_medians','signals_mads', 'clusters') + \
                ('some_waveforms', 'some_waveform_index') + \

_dtype_peak = [('index', 'int64'), ('cluster_label', 'int64'), ('channel', 'int64'),  ('segment', 'int64'), ('extremum_amplitude', 'float64'),]

_dtype_cluster = [('cluster_label', 'int64'), ('cell_label', 'int64'), 
            ('extremum_channel', 'int64'), ('extremum_amplitude', 'float64'),
            ('waveform_rms', 'float64'), ('nb_peak', 'int64'), 
            ('tag', 'U16'), ('annotations', 'U32'), ('color', 'uint32')]

_keep_cluster_attr_on_new = ['cell_label', 'tag','annotations', 'color']

_default_n_spike_for_centroid = 350

[docs]class CatalogueConstructor: __doc__ = """ The goal of CatalogueConstructor is to construct a catalogue of template (centroids) for the Peeler. For so the CatalogueConstructor will: * preprocess a duration of data * detect peaks * extract some waveform * compute some feature from these waveforms * find cluster * compute some metrics ontheses clusters * enable some manual trash/merge/split At the end we can **make_catalogue_for_peeler**, this construct everything usefull for the Peeler : centroids (median for each cluster: the centroids, first and secnd derivative, median and mad of noise, ... You need to have one CatalogueConstructor for each channel_group. Since all operation are more or less slow each internal arrays is by default persistent on the disk (memory_mode='memmap'). With this when you instanciate a CatalogueConstructor you load all existing arrays already computed. For that tridesclous mainly use the numpy structured arrays (array of struct) with memmap. So, hacking internal arrays of the CatalogueConstructor should be easy outside python and tridesclous. You can explore/save/reload internal state by borwsing this directory: *path_of_dataset/channel_group_XXX/catalogue_constructor* **Usage**:: from tridesclous import Dataio, CatalogueConstructor dirname = '/path/to/dataset' dataio = DataIO(dirname=dirname) cc = CatalogueConstructor(dataio, chan_grp=0) # preprocessing cc.set_preprocessor_params(chunksize=1024, highpass_freq=300., lowpass_freq=5000., common_ref_removal=True, pad_width=64, peak_sign='-', relative_threshold=5.5, peak_span_ms=0.3, ) cc.estimate_signals_noise(seg_num=0, duration=10.) cc.run_signalprocessor(duration=60.) # waveform/feature/cluster cc.extract_some_waveforms(n_left=-25, n_right=40, mode='rand') cc.clean_waveforms(alien_value_threshold=55.) cc.project(method='global_pca', n_components=7) cc.find_clusters(method='kmeans', n_clusters=7) # manual stuff cc.trash_small_cluster(n=5) cc.order_clusters() # do this before peeler cc.make_catalogue_for_peeler() For more example see examples. **Persitent atributes**: CatalogueConstructor have a mechanism to store/load some attributes in the dirname of dataio. This is usefull to continue previous woprk on a catalogue. The attributes are almost all numpy arrays and stored using the numpy.memmap mechanism. So prefer local fast fast storage like ssd. Here the list of theses attributes with shape and dtype. **N** is the total number of peak detected. **M** is the number of selected peak for waveform/feature/cluser. **C** is the number of clusters * all_peaks (N, ) dtype = {0} * signals_medians (nb_sample, nb_channel, ) float32 * signals_mads (nb_sample, nb_channel, ) float32 * clusters (c, ) dtype= {1} * some_peaks_index (M) int64 * some_waveforms (M, width, nb_channel) float32 * some_features (M, nb_feature) float32 * channel_to_features (nb_chan, nb_component) bool * some_noise_snippet (nb_noise, width, nb_channel) float32 * some_noise_index (nb_noise, ) int64 * some_noise_features (nb_noise, nb_feature) float32 * centroids_median (C, width, nb_channel) float32 * centroids_mad (C, width, nb_channel) float32 * centroids_mean (C, width, nb_channel) float32 * centroids_std (C, width, nb_channel) float32 * spike_waveforms_similarity (M, M) float32 * cluster_similarity (C, C) float32 * cluster_ratio_similarity (C, C) float32 """.format(_dtype_peak, _dtype_cluster) def __init__(self, dataio, chan_grp=None, name='catalogue_constructor'): """ Parameters ---------- dataio: tirdesclous.DataIO the dataio object for describe the dataset chan_grp: int The channel group key . See PRB file. None by default = take the first channel group (often 0 but sometimes 1!!) name: str a name The name of the CatalogueConstructor. You can have several name for the same dataset but several catalogue and try different options. """ self.dataio = dataio if chan_grp is None: chan_grp = min(self.dataio.channel_groups.keys()) self.chan_grp = chan_grp self.nb_channel = self.dataio.nb_channel(chan_grp=self.chan_grp) self.geometry = self.dataio.get_geometry(chan_grp=self.chan_grp) self.channel_distances = sklearn.metrics.pairwise.euclidean_distances(self.geometry) self.catalogue_path = os.path.join(self.dataio.channel_group_path[chan_grp], name) if not os.path.exists(self.catalogue_path): os.mkdir(self.catalogue_path) self.arrays = ArrayCollection(parent=self, dirname=self.catalogue_path) self.info_filename = os.path.join(self.catalogue_path, 'info.json') self.load_info() for name in _persitent_arrays: # this set attribute to class if exsits self.arrays.load_if_exists(name) if self.all_peaks is not None: self.memory_mode='memmap' self.projector = None
[docs] def flush_info(self): """ Flush info (mainly parameters) to json files. """ with open(self.info_filename, 'w', encoding='utf8') as f: json.dump(, f, indent=4)
def load_info(self): if not os.path.exists(self.info_filename): #first init = {} self.flush_info() else: with open(self.info_filename, 'r', encoding='utf8') as f: = json.load(f) if 'n_spike_for_centroid' not in['n_spike_for_centroid'] = _default_n_spike_for_centroid for k in _global_params_attr: if k in setattr(self, k,[k]) def __repr__(self): t = "CatalogueConstructor\n" t += ' ' + self.dataio.channel_group_label(chan_grp=self.chan_grp) + '\n' if self.all_peaks is None: t += ' Signal pre-processing not done yet' return t #~ t += " nb_peak: {}\n".format(self.nb_peak) nb_peak_by_segment = [ np.sum(self.all_peaks['segment']==i) for i in range(self.dataio.nb_segment)] t += ' nb_peak_by_segment: '+', '.join('{}'.format(n) for n in nb_peak_by_segment)+'\n' #~ if self.some_waveforms is not None: #~ if self.mode == 'sparse': #~ sparsity = self.some_waveforms_sparse_mask.sum() / self.some_waveforms_sparse_mask.size #~ sparsity = '(sparse {:.2f})'.format(sparsity) #~ else: #~ sparsity = '' #~ t += ' some_waveforms.shape: {} {}\n'.format(self.some_waveforms.shape, sparsity) if self.some_features is not None: t += ' some_features.shape: {}\n'.format(self.some_features.shape) if hasattr(self, 'cluster_labels'): if self.cluster_labels.size < 8: labels = self.cluster_labels else: labels = '[' + ' '.join( str(l) for l in self.cluster_labels[:3]) + ' ... ' + ' '.join( str(l) for l in self.cluster_labels[-2:]) + ']' n = self.positive_cluster_labels.size t += ' cluster_labels {} {}\n'.format(n, labels) return t @property def nb_peak(self): if self.all_peaks is None: return 0 return self.all_peaks.size @property def cluster_labels(self): if self.clusters is not None: return self.clusters['cluster_label'] else: return np.array([], dtype='int64') @property def positive_cluster_labels(self): return self.cluster_labels[self.cluster_labels>=0]
[docs] def reload_data(self): """Reload persitent arrays. """ if not hasattr(self, 'memory_mode') or not self.memory_mode=='memmap': return for name in _persitent_arrays: # this set attribute to class if exsits self.arrays.load_if_exists(name)
def _reset_arrays(self, list_arrays): #TODO fix this need to delete really this arrays but size=0 is buggy for name in list_arrays: self.arrays.detach_array(name) setattr(self, name, None)
[docs] def set_global_params(self, chunksize=1024, memory_mode='memmap', # 'memmap' or 'ram' internal_dtype = 'float32', # TODO "int16" mode='dense', #~ adjacency_radius_um=None, sparse_threshold=1.5, n_spike_for_centroid=_default_n_spike_for_centroid, n_jobs=-1, ): """ Parameters ---------- chunksize: int. default 1024 Length of each chunk for processing. For real time, the latency is between chunksize and 2*chunksize. memory_mode: 'memmap' or 'ram' default 'memmap' By default all arrays are persistent with memmap but you can also have everything in ram. internal_dtype: 'float32' (or 'float64') Internal dtype for signals/waveforms/features. Support of intteger signal and waveform is planned for one day and should boost the process!! mode: str dense or sparse Choose the global mode dense or sparse. adjacency_radius_um: float or None When mode='sparse' then this must not be None. """ #~ if mode == 'sparse': #~ assert adjacency_radius_um is not None #~ assert adjacency_radius_um > 0. #~ elif mode == 'dense': #~ # chosse a radius that connect all channels #~ if self.dataio.nb_channel(self.chan_grp) >1: #~ channel_distances = self.dataio.get_channel_distances(chan_grp=self.chan_grp) #~ # important more than 2 times because #~ # adjacency_radius_um is use for waveform with this radius #~ # but also in pruningshears with half radius #~ adjacency_radius_um = np.max(channel_distances) * 2.5['chunksize'] = chunksize['memory_mode'] = memory_mode['internal_dtype'] = internal_dtype['mode'] = mode #~['adjacency_radius_um'] = adjacency_radius_um['sparse_threshold'] = sparse_threshold['n_spike_for_centroid'] = n_spike_for_centroid['n_jobs'] = n_jobs self.flush_info() self.load_info() # this make attribute #~ self.chunksize = chunksize #~ self.memory_mode = memory_mode #~ self.internal_dtype = internal_dtype #~ self.mode = mode #~ self.adjacency_radius_um = adjacency_radius_um self._reset_arrays(_persitent_arrays)
[docs] def set_preprocessor_params(self, #signal preprocessor engine='numpy', highpass_freq=300., lowpass_freq=None, smooth_size=0, common_ref_removal=False, pad_width=None, #peak detector ): """ Set parameters for the preprocessor engine Parameters ---------- engine='numpy' or 'opencl' If you have pyopencl installed and correct ICD installed you can try 'opencl' for high channel count some critial part of the processing is done on the GPU. highpass_freq: float dfault 300 High pass cut frquency of the filter. Can be None if the raw dataset is already filtered. lowpass_freq: float default is None Low pass frequency of the filter. None by default. For high samplign rate a low pass at 5~8kHz can be a good idea for smoothing a bit waveform and avoid high noise. smooth_size: int default 0 This a simple smooth convolution kernel. More or less act like a low pass filter. Can be use instead lowpass_freq. common_ref_removal: bool. False by dfault. The remove the median of all channel sample by sample. pad_width: int. default None size in sample of the margin at the front edge for each chunk to avoid border effect in backward filter. In you don't known put None then pad_width will be int(sample_rate/highpass_freq)*3 which is quite robust (<5% error) compared to a true offline filtfilt. """ self._reset_arrays(_persitent_arrays) # set default pad_width if none is provided if pad_width is None or pad_width<=0: assert highpass_freq is not None, 'pad_width=None needs a highpass_freq' pad_width = int(self.dataio.sample_rate/highpass_freq*3) processor_params = dict(highpass_freq=highpass_freq, lowpass_freq=lowpass_freq, smooth_size=smooth_size, common_ref_removal=common_ref_removal, pad_width=pad_width, output_dtype=self.internal_dtype, engine=engine) SignalPreprocessor_class = signalpreprocessor.signalpreprocessor_engines[engine] self.signalpreprocessor = SignalPreprocessor_class(self.dataio.sample_rate, self.nb_channel, self.chunksize, self.dataio.source_dtype) for i in range(self.dataio.nb_segment): self.dataio.reset_processed_signals(seg_num=i, chan_grp=self.chan_grp, dtype=self.internal_dtype) # put all params in info['preprocessor'] = processor_params self.flush_info()
[docs] def set_peak_detector_params(self, method='global', engine='numpy', peak_sign='-', relative_threshold=7, peak_span_ms=0.3, adjacency_radius_um=None, smooth_radius_um=None): """ Set parameters for the peak_detector engine Parameters ---------- method : 'global' or 'geometrical' Method for detection. engine: 'numpy' or 'opencl' or 'numba' Engine for peak detection. peak_sign: '-' or '+' Signa of peak. relative_threshold: int default 7 Threshold for peak detection. The preprocessed signal have units expressed in MAD (robust STD). So 7 is MAD*7. peak_span_ms: float default 0.3 Peak span to avoid double detection. In millisecond. """ if self.mode == 'sparse': assert method in ('geometrical', ) assert adjacency_radius_um is not None detector_params = dict(peak_sign=peak_sign, relative_threshold=relative_threshold, peak_span_ms=peak_span_ms, engine=engine, method=method, adjacency_radius_um=adjacency_radius_um, smooth_radius_um=smooth_radius_um) PeakDetector_class = peakdetector.get_peak_detector_class(method, engine) geometry = self.dataio.get_geometry(self.chan_grp) self.peakdetector = PeakDetector_class(self.dataio.sample_rate, self.nb_channel, self.chunksize, self.internal_dtype, geometry) p = dict(detector_params) p.pop('engine') p.pop('method') self.peakdetector.change_params(**p)['peak_detector'] = detector_params self.flush_info()
[docs] def estimate_signals_noise(self, seg_num=0, duration=10.): """ This estimate the median and mad on processed signals on a short duration. This will be necessary for normalisation in next steps. Note that if the noise is stable even a short duratio is OK. Parameters ---------- seg_num: int segment index duration: float duration in seconds """ length = int(duration*self.dataio.sample_rate) length -= length%self.chunksize assert length<self.dataio.get_segment_length(seg_num), 'duration exeed size' preprocessor_params =['preprocessor'] name = 'filetered_sigs_for_noise_estimation_seg_{}'.format(seg_num) shape=(length - preprocessor_params['pad_width'], self.nb_channel) filtered_sigs = self.arrays.create_array(name,['internal_dtype'], shape, 'memmap') params2 = dict(preprocessor_params) params2.pop('engine') params2['normalize'] = False self.signalpreprocessor.change_params(**params2) iterator = self.dataio.iter_over_chunk(seg_num=seg_num, chan_grp=self.chan_grp, chunksize=self.chunksize, i_stop=length, signal_type='initial') for pos, sigs_chunk in iterator: pos2, preprocessed_chunk = self.signalpreprocessor.process_buffer_stream(pos, sigs_chunk) if preprocessed_chunk is not None: filtered_sigs[pos2-preprocessed_chunk.shape[0]:pos2, :] = preprocessed_chunk #create persistant arrays self.arrays.create_array('signals_medians',['internal_dtype'], (self.nb_channel,), 'memmap') self.arrays.create_array('signals_mads',['internal_dtype'], (self.nb_channel,), 'memmap') self.signals_medians[:] = signals_medians = np.median(filtered_sigs[:pos2], axis=0) self.signals_mads[:] = np.median(np.abs(filtered_sigs[:pos2]-signals_medians),axis=0)*1.4826 #detach filetered signals even if the file remains. self.arrays.detach_array(name)
def run_signalprocessor_loop_one_segment(self, seg_num=0, duration=60., detect_peak=True): if detect_peak: assert 'peak_detector' in assert len(['peak_detector'])>0 length = int(duration*self.dataio.sample_rate) length = min(length, self.dataio.get_segment_length(seg_num)) #~ print( 'OLD length', length, 'seg_num', seg_num) #~ length -= length%self.chunksize #initialize engines preprocessor_params =['preprocessor'] p = dict(preprocessor_params) p.pop('engine') p['normalize'] = True p['signals_medians'] = self.signals_medians p['signals_mads'] = self.signals_mads self.signalpreprocessor.change_params(**p) self.peakdetector.initialize_stream() # iterate a bit more on the rigth border iterator = self.dataio.iter_over_chunk(seg_num=seg_num, chan_grp=self.chan_grp, chunksize=self.chunksize, i_stop=length, signal_type='initial',['preprocessor']['pad_width'], with_last_chunk=True) for pos, sigs_chunk in iterator: pos2, preprocessed_chunk = self.signalpreprocessor.process_buffer_stream(pos, sigs_chunk) if preprocessed_chunk is None: continue if detect_peak: index_chunk_peaks, peak_chan_index, peak_val_peaks = self.peakdetector.process_buffer_stream(pos2, preprocessed_chunk) # chan_index can be None for some method # peak_chan_indexcan be None for some method if index_chunk_peaks is not None: peaks = np.zeros(index_chunk_peaks.size, dtype=_dtype_peak) peaks['index'] = index_chunk_peaks peaks['segment'][:] = seg_num peaks['cluster_label'][:] = labelcodes.LABEL_NO_WAVEFORM if peak_chan_index is None: peaks['channel'][:] = -1 else: peaks['channel'][:] = peak_chan_index if peak_val_peaks is None: peaks['extremum_amplitude'][:] = 0. else: peaks['extremum_amplitude'][:] = peak_val_peaks self.arrays.append_chunk('all_peaks', peaks) if pos2>length: # clip writting preprocessed_chunk = preprocessed_chunk[:-(pos2-length), :] pos2 = length self.dataio.set_signals_chunk(preprocessed_chunk, seg_num=seg_num, chan_grp=self.chan_grp, i_start=pos2-preprocessed_chunk.shape[0], i_stop=pos2, signal_type='processed') self.dataio.flush_processed_signals(seg_num=seg_num, chan_grp=self.chan_grp, processed_length=int(pos2))
[docs] def run_signalprocessor_OLD(self, duration=60., detect_peak=True): """ this run (chunk by chunk), the signal preprocessing chain on all segments. The duration can be clip for very long recording. For catalogue construction the user must have the intuition of how signal we must have to get enough spike to detect clusters. If the duration is too short clusters will not be visible. If too long the processing time will be unacceptable. This totally depend on the dataset (nb channel, spike rate ...) This also detect peak to avoid to useless access to the storage. Parameters ---------- duration: float total duration in seconds for all segment detect_peak: bool (default True) Also detect peak. """ self.arrays.initialize_array('all_peaks', self.memory_mode, _dtype_peak, (-1, )) duration_per_segment = self.dataio.get_duration_per_segments(duration) for seg_num in range(self.dataio.nb_segment): if duration_per_segment[seg_num] > 0.: self.run_signalprocessor_loop_one_segment(seg_num=seg_num, duration=duration_per_segment[seg_num], detect_peak=detect_peak) # flush peaks self.arrays.finalize_array('all_peaks') self._reset_arrays(_reset_after_peak_arrays) self.on_new_cluster()
def run_signalprocessor_NEW(self, duration=60., detect_peak=True): assert detect_peak n_jobs = self.n_jobs if n_jobs == -1: n_jobs = 4 #~ n_jobs = 1 #~ n_jobs = 2 self.arrays.initialize_array('all_peaks', self.memory_mode, _dtype_peak, (-1, )) duration_per_segment = self.dataio.get_duration_per_segments(duration) for seg_num in range(self.dataio.nb_segment): length = int(duration_per_segment[seg_num]*self.dataio.sample_rate) if length > 0: #~ run_parallel_read_process_write(self, seg_num, length, 1) #~ run_parallel_read_process_write(self, seg_num, length, 4) run_parallel_read_process_write(self, seg_num, length, n_jobs) # flush peaks self.arrays.finalize_array('all_peaks') self._reset_arrays(_reset_after_peak_arrays) self.on_new_cluster() def run_signalprocessor(self, duration=60., detect_peak=True): #~ print('new') #~ t0 = time.perf_counter() #~ self.run_signalprocessor_NEW(duration=duration, detect_peak=detect_peak) #~ t1 = time.perf_counter() #~ print(' run_signalprocessor NEW', t1- t0) #~ print(self.all_peaks.size) #~ print(self.all_peaks[:10]) #~ print(self.all_peaks[-10:]) #~ print('old') #~ t0 = time.perf_counter() self.run_signalprocessor_OLD(duration=duration, detect_peak=detect_peak) #~ t1 = time.perf_counter() #~ print(' run_signalprocessor NEW', t1- t0) #~ print(self.all_peaks.size) #~ print(self.all_peaks[:10]) #~ print(self.all_peaks[-10:])
[docs] def re_detect_peak(self, **kargs): """ Peak are detected while **run_signalprocessor**. But in some case for testing other threshold we can **re-detect peak** without signal processing. Parameters ---------- method : 'global' or 'geometrical' Method for detection. engine: 'numpy' or 'opencl' or 'numba' Engine for peak detection. peak_sign: '-' or '+' Signa of peak. relative_threshold: int default 7 Threshold for peak detection. The preprocessed signal have units expressed in MAD (robust STD). So 7 is MAD*7. peak_span_ms: float default 0.3 Peak span to avoid double detection. In second. """ self.set_peak_detector_params(**kargs) self.arrays.initialize_array('all_peaks', self.memory_mode, _dtype_peak, (-1, )) for seg_num in range(self.dataio.nb_segment): self.peakdetector.initialize_stream() i_stop = self.dataio.get_processed_length(seg_num=seg_num, chan_grp=self.chan_grp) iterator = self.dataio.iter_over_chunk(seg_num=seg_num, chan_grp=self.chan_grp,['chunksize'], i_stop=i_stop, signal_type='processed') for pos, preprocessed_chunk in iterator: index_chunk_peaks, peak_chan_index, peak_val_peaks = self.peakdetector.process_buffer_stream(pos, preprocessed_chunk) # peak_chan_index can be None # peak_val_peaks can be None if index_chunk_peaks is not None: peaks = np.zeros(index_chunk_peaks.size, dtype=_dtype_peak) peaks['index'] = index_chunk_peaks peaks['segment'][:] = seg_num peaks['cluster_label'][:] = labelcodes.LABEL_NO_WAVEFORM if peak_chan_index is None: peaks['channel'][:] = -1 else: peaks['channel'][:] = peak_chan_index if peak_val_peaks is None: peaks['extremum_amplitude'][:] = 0. else: peaks['extremum_amplitude'][:] = peak_val_peaks self.arrays.append_chunk('all_peaks', peaks) self.arrays.finalize_array('all_peaks') #~ self._reset_waveform_and_features() self._reset_arrays(_reset_after_peak_arrays) self.on_new_cluster()
def set_waveform_extractor_params(self, n_left=None, n_right=None, wf_left_ms=None, wf_right_ms=None, wf_left_long_ms=None, wf_right_long_ms=None, ): if n_left is None or n_right is None: if 'extract_waveforms' in n_left =['extract_waveforms']['n_left'] n_right =['extract_waveforms']['n_right'] elif wf_left_ms is not None and wf_right_ms is not None: n_left = int(wf_left_ms / 1000. * self.dataio.sample_rate) n_right = int(wf_right_ms / 1000. * self.dataio.sample_rate) else: raise(ValueError('Must provide wf_left_ms/wf_right_ms')) if wf_left_long_ms is None: n_left_long = 2 * n_left else: n_left_long = int(wf_left_long_ms / 1000. * self.dataio.sample_rate) if wf_right_long_ms is None: n_right_long = 2 * n_right else: n_right_long = int(wf_right_long_ms / 1000. * self.dataio.sample_rate) assert n_left < n_right assert n_left_long < n_left assert n_right_long > n_right['extract_waveforms'] = dict(n_left=n_left, n_right=n_right, n_left_long=n_left_long, n_right_long=n_right_long) self.flush_info() self.projector = None self._reset_arrays(_reset_after_peak_sampler)
[docs] def clean_peaks(self, alien_value_threshold=200, mode='extremum_amplitude'): """ Detect alien peak with very high values. Tag then with alien (label=-9) This prevent then to be selected. Usefull to remove artifact. alien_value_threshold: float or None threhold for alien peak mode='peak_value' / 'full_waveform' 'peak_value' use only the peak value very fast because already measured 'full_waveform' use the full waveform for this and can be slow. """ if alien_value_threshold < 0. or np.isnan(alien_value_threshold): alien_value_threshold = None if alien_value_threshold is not None: peak_sign =['peak_detector']['peak_sign'] if mode == 'extremum_amplitude': if peak_sign == '+': index_over, = np.nonzero(self.all_peaks['extremum_amplitude'] >= alien_value_threshold) elif peak_sign == '-': index_over, = np.nonzero(self.all_peaks['extremum_amplitude'] <= -alien_value_threshold) elif mode == 'full_waveform': # need to load all waveforms chunk by chunk alien_mask = np.zeros(self.all_peaks.size, dtype='bool') n = 100000 nloop = self.all_peaks.size // n if self.all_peaks.size % n: nloop += 1 for i in range(nloop): i1, i2 = i, min(i+n, self.all_peaks.size) peaks_index = np.arange(i1, i2, dtype='int64') wfs = self.get_some_waveforms(peaks_index=peaks_index, channel_indexes=None) over1 = np.any(wfs>alien_value_threshold, axis=(1,2)) over2 = np.any(wfs<-alien_value_threshold, axis=(1,2)) over = over1 | over2 alien_mask[i1:i2] = over index_over, = np.nonzero(alien_mask) self.all_peaks['cluster_label'][index_over] = labelcodes.LABEL_ALIEN['clean_peaks'] = dict(alien_value_threshold=alien_value_threshold, mode=mode) self.flush_info() self._reset_arrays(_reset_after_peak_sampler) self.on_new_cluster()
def sample_some_peaks(self, mode='rand', nb_max=10000, nb_max_by_channel=1000, index=None): if mode=='rand': if self.nb_peak > nb_max: some_peaks_index = np.random.choice(self.nb_peak, size=nb_max).astype('int64') else: some_peaks_index = np.arange(self.nb_peak, dtype='int64') elif mode=='rand_by_channel': assert self.mode == 'sparse' some_peaks_index = [] for c in range(self.nb_channel): ind, = np.nonzero(self.all_peaks['channel'] == c) if ind.size > nb_max_by_channel: take = np.random.choice(ind.size, size=nb_max_by_channel, replace=False)#.astype('int64') ind = ind[take] some_peaks_index.append(ind) some_peaks_index = np.concatenate(some_peaks_index) elif mode=='all': some_peaks_index = np.arange(self.nb_peak, dtype='int64') elif mode =='force': assert index is not None, 'With mode=force you must give peak index' some_peaks_index = index.copy() else: raise(NotImplementedError, 'unknown mode') #remove alien valid = self.all_peaks['cluster_label'][some_peaks_index] != labelcodes.LABEL_ALIEN if mode in ('rand', 'rand_by_channel', 'all'): some_peaks_index = some_peaks_index[valid] else: if np.any(~valid): print('WARNING : sample_some_peaks with mode "froce" but take some alien peaks') n_left =['extract_waveforms']['n_left'] n_right =['extract_waveforms']['n_right'] peak_width = n_right - n_left n_left_long =['extract_waveforms']['n_left_long'] n_right_long =['extract_waveforms']['n_right_long'] peak_width_long = n_right_long - n_left_long # this is important to not take 2 times the sames, this leads to bad mad/median some_peaks_index = np.unique(some_peaks_index) # remove peak_index near border keep = np.zeros(some_peaks_index.size, dtype='bool') seg_nums = np.unique(self.all_peaks['segment']) for seg_num in seg_nums: in_seg_mask = self.all_peaks[some_peaks_index]['segment'] == seg_num indexes = self.all_peaks[some_peaks_index]['index'] in_seg_keep = (indexes > peak_width_long) & (indexes < self.dataio.get_segment_length(seg_num) - peak_width_long) keep |= in_seg_mask & in_seg_keep some_peaks_index = some_peaks_index[keep] # make persistent self.arrays.add_array('some_peaks_index', some_peaks_index, self.memory_mode) alien_index, = np.nonzero(self.all_peaks['cluster_label'] == labelcodes.LABEL_ALIEN) self.all_peaks['cluster_label'][:] = labelcodes.LABEL_NO_WAVEFORM self.all_peaks['cluster_label'][alien_index] = labelcodes.LABEL_ALIEN self.all_peaks['cluster_label'][self.some_peaks_index] = 0['peak_sampler'] = dict(mode=mode, nb_max=nb_max, nb_max_by_channel=nb_max_by_channel) self.flush_info() self.on_new_cluster() #~ if 'some_waveforms' in self.arrays.keys(): #~ self.arrays.delete_array('some_waveforms') #~ if 'some_waveform_index' in self.arrays.keys(): #~ self.arrays.delete_array('some_waveform_index')
[docs] def get_some_waveforms(self, peaks_index=None, channel_indexes=None, n_left=None, n_right=None): """ Get waveforms accros segment based on internal self.some_peak_index forced peaks_index. """ if peaks_index is None: assert self.some_peaks_index is not None peaks_index = self.some_peaks_index nb = peaks_index.size if n_left is None: n_left =['extract_waveforms']['n_left'] if n_right is None: n_right =['extract_waveforms']['n_right'] peak_width = n_right - n_left if channel_indexes is None: nb_chan = self.nb_channel else: nb_chan = len(channel_indexes) shape = (nb, peak_width, nb_chan) some_waveforms = np.zeros(shape,['internal_dtype']) peak_mask = np.zeros(self.nb_peak, dtype='bool') peak_mask[peaks_index] = True seg_nums = self.all_peaks[peak_mask]['segment'] peak_sample_indexes = self.all_peaks[peak_mask]['index'] self.dataio.get_some_waveforms(seg_nums=seg_nums, chan_grp=self.chan_grp, peak_sample_indexes=peak_sample_indexes, n_left=n_left, n_right=n_right, waveforms=some_waveforms, channel_indexes=channel_indexes) return some_waveforms
def cache_some_waveforms(self): n_left_long =['extract_waveforms']['n_left_long'] n_right_long =['extract_waveforms']['n_right_long'] peak_width_long = n_right_long - n_left_long if 'some_waveforms' in self.arrays.keys(): self.arrays.delete_array('some_waveforms') if 'some_waveform_index' in self.arrays.keys(): self.arrays.delete_array('some_waveform_index') selected_indexes = [] for label in self.positive_cluster_labels: selected, = np.nonzero(self.all_peaks['cluster_label']==label) if selected.size>self.n_spike_for_centroid: keep = np.random.choice(selected.size, self.n_spike_for_centroid, replace=False) selected = selected[keep] selected_indexes.append(selected) selected_indexes = np.concatenate(selected_indexes) n = selected_indexes.size shape = (n, peak_width_long, self.nb_channel) self.arrays.create_array('some_waveforms',['internal_dtype'] , shape, self.memory_mode) self.arrays.create_array('some_waveform_index', 'int64', n, self.memory_mode) seg_nums = self.all_peaks[selected_indexes]['segment'] peak_sample_indexes = self.all_peaks[selected_indexes]['index'] self.dataio.get_some_waveforms(seg_nums=seg_nums, chan_grp=self.chan_grp, peak_sample_indexes=peak_sample_indexes, n_left=n_left_long, n_right=n_right_long, waveforms=self.some_waveforms, channel_indexes=None) self.some_waveform_index[:] = selected_indexes def extend_cached_waveforms(self, label): n_left_long =['extract_waveforms']['n_left_long'] n_right_long =['extract_waveforms']['n_right_long'] selected, = np.nonzero(self.all_peaks['cluster_label']==label) if selected.size>self.n_spike_for_centroid: keep = np.random.choice(selected.size, self.n_spike_for_centroid, replace=False) selected = selected[keep] seg_nums = self.all_peaks[selected]['segment'] peak_sample_indexes = self.all_peaks[selected]['index'] new_waveforms = self.dataio.get_some_waveforms(seg_nums=seg_nums, chan_grp=self.chan_grp, peak_sample_indexes=peak_sample_indexes, n_left=n_left_long, n_right=n_right_long, waveforms=None, channel_indexes=None) self.arrays.append_array('some_waveforms', new_waveforms) self.arrays.append_array('some_waveform_index', selected) def get_cached_waveforms(self, label, long=False): assert self.some_waveforms is not None, 'run cc.cache_some_waveforms() first' cached_labels = self.all_peaks[self.some_waveform_index]['cluster_label'] mask = cached_labels == label if long: wfs = self.some_waveforms[mask] else: n_left =['extract_waveforms']['n_left'] n_right =['extract_waveforms']['n_right'] n_left_long =['extract_waveforms']['n_left_long'] n_right_long =['extract_waveforms']['n_right_long'] i0 = n_left - n_left_long i1 = n_right_long - n_right wfs = self.some_waveforms[mask][:, i0:-i1] # avoid memmap ref for ploting wfs = wfs.copy() return wfs def delete_waveforms_cache(self): if 'some_waveforms' in self.arrays.keys(): self.arrays.delete_array('some_waveforms') if 'some_waveform_index' in self.arrays.keys(): self.arrays.delete_array('some_waveform_index')
[docs] def extract_some_noise(self, nb_snippet=300): """ Find some snipet of signal that are not overlap with peak waveforms. Usefull to project this noise with the same tranform as real waveform and see the distinction between waveforma and noise in the subspace. """ #~ 'some_noise_index', 'some_noise_snippet', assert 'extract_waveforms' in n_left =['extract_waveforms']['n_left'] n_right =['extract_waveforms']['n_right'] peak_width = n_right - n_left #~ self.all_peaks #~ _dtype_peak = [('index', 'int64'), ('cluster_label', 'int64'), ('segment', 'int64'),] some_noise_index = [] n_by_seg = nb_snippet//self.dataio.nb_segment for seg_num in range(self.dataio.nb_segment): # tdc can process only the begining of the segment so length = min(self.dataio.get_segment_length(seg_num), self.dataio.get_processed_length(seg_num, chan_grp=self.chan_grp)) if length == 0: continue possibles = np.ones(length, dtype='bool') possibles[:peak_width] = False possibles[-peak_width:] = False peaks = self.all_peaks[self.all_peaks['segment']==seg_num] for peak in peaks: possibles[peak['index']+n_left:peak['index']+n_right] = False possible_indexes, = np.nonzero(possibles) if possible_indexes.size == 0: print('WARNING no noise snipet possible!!! Take random sigs instead', seg_num) # take random places #~ print('length', length) inds = np.sort(np.random.choice(length, size=n_by_seg)) else: inds = possible_indexes[np.sort(np.random.choice(possible_indexes.size, size=n_by_seg))] noise_index = np.zeros(n_by_seg, dtype=_dtype_peak) noise_index['index'] = inds noise_index['cluster_label'] = labelcodes.LABEL_NOISE noise_index['segment'][:] = seg_num some_noise_index.append(noise_index) some_noise_index = np.concatenate(some_noise_index) #make it persistent self.arrays.add_array('some_noise_index', some_noise_index, self.memory_mode) #create snipet shape=(self.some_noise_index.size, peak_width, self.nb_channel) self.arrays.create_array('some_noise_snippet',['internal_dtype'], shape, self.memory_mode) #~ n = 0 for n, ind in enumerate(self.some_noise_index): #~ for seg_num in range(self.dataio.nb_segment): #~ insegment_indexes = self.some_noise_index[(self.some_noise_index['segment']==seg_num)] #~ for ind in insegment_indexes: i_start = ind['index']+n_left i_stop = i_start+peak_width snippet = self.dataio.get_signals_chunk(seg_num=ind['segment'], chan_grp=self.chan_grp, i_start=i_start, i_stop=i_stop, signal_type='processed') #~ print(i_start, i_stop, self.some_noise_snippet.shape, self.dataio.get_segment_length(ind['segment'])) self.some_noise_snippet[n, :, :] = snippet #~ n +=1['noise_snippet'] = dict(nb_snippet=nb_snippet) self.flush_info()
[docs] def extract_some_features(self, method='global_pca', selection=None, **params): """ Extract feature from waveforms. If selection is None then all peak from some_peak_index are taken. Else selection is mask bool size all_peaks used for fit and then the tranform is applied on all. """ # global feature log it['feature_method'] = method['feature_kargs'] = params self.flush_info() features, channel_to_features, self.projector = decomposition.project_waveforms(catalogueconstructor=self,method=method, selection=selection, **params) if features is None: for name in ['some_features', 'channel_to_features', 'some_noise_features']: self.arrays.detach_array(name) setattr(self, name, None) else: # make it persistant self.arrays.add_array('some_features', features.astype(['internal_dtype']), self.memory_mode) self.arrays.add_array('channel_to_features', channel_to_features, self.memory_mode) if self.some_noise_snippet is not None: some_noise_features = self.projector.transform(self.some_noise_snippet) self.arrays.add_array('some_noise_features', some_noise_features.astype(['internal_dtype']), self.memory_mode)
#~ print('extract_some_features', self.some_features.shape) #ALIAS TODO remove it #~ project = extract_some_features #~ def apply_projection(self): #~ assert self.projector is not None #~ features = self.projector.transform(self.some_waveforms) #trick to make it persistant #~ self.arrays.create_array('some_features',['internal_dtype'], features.shape, self.memory_mode) #~ self.some_features[:] = features #~ self.arrays.add_array('some_features', some_features.astype(['internal_dtype']), self.memory_mode)
[docs] def find_clusters(self, method='kmeans', selection=None, order=True, recompute_centroid=True, **kargs): """ Find cluster for peaks that have a waveform and feature. selection is mask bool size all_peaks """ #done in a separate module self.delete_waveforms_cache() if selection is not None: old_labels = np.unique(self.all_peaks['cluster_label'][selection]) #~ print(old_labels) labels = cluster.find_clusters(self, method=method, selection=selection, **kargs) if selection is None: self.on_new_cluster() if recompute_centroid: self.compute_all_centroid(n_spike_for_centroid=self.n_spike_for_centroid) if order: self.order_clusters(by='waveforms_rms') # global cluster log it['cluster_method'] = method['cluster_kargs'] = kargs self.flush_info() else: new_labels = np.unique(labels) for new_label in new_labels: if new_label not in self.clusters['cluster_label'] and new_label>=0: self.add_one_cluster(new_label) if new_label>=0: self.compute_one_centroid(new_label, n_spike_for_centroid=self.n_spike_for_centroid) for old_label in old_labels: ind = self.index_of_label(old_label) nb_peak = np.sum(self.all_peaks['cluster_label']==old_label) if nb_peak == 0: self.pop_labels_from_cluster([old_label]) else: self.clusters['nb_peak'][ind] = nb_peak self.compute_one_centroid(old_label, n_spike_for_centroid=self.n_spike_for_centroid)
def on_new_cluster(self): if self.all_peaks is None: return cluster_labels = np.unique(self.all_peaks['cluster_label']) clusters = np.zeros(cluster_labels.shape, dtype=_dtype_cluster) clusters['cluster_label'][:] = cluster_labels clusters['cell_label'][:] = cluster_labels clusters['extremum_channel'][:] = -1 clusters['extremum_amplitude'][:] = np.nan clusters['waveform_rms'][:] = np.nan for i, k in enumerate(cluster_labels): clusters['nb_peak'][i] = np.sum(self.all_peaks['cluster_label']==k) if self.clusters is not None: #get previous _keep_cluster_attr_on_new for i, c in enumerate(clusters): #~ print(i, c) if c['cluster_label'] in self.clusters['cluster_label']: j = np.nonzero(c['cluster_label']==self.clusters['cluster_label'])[0][0] for attr in _keep_cluster_attr_on_new: #~ self.clusters[j]['cell_label'] in cluster_labels #~ clusters[i]['cell_label'] = self.clusters[j]['cell_label'] clusters[attr][i] = self.clusters[attr][j] #~ print('j', j) #~ if clusters.size>0: self.arrays.add_array('clusters', clusters, self.memory_mode) def add_one_cluster(self, label): assert label not in self.clusters['cluster_label'] clusters = np.zeros(self.clusters.size+1, dtype=_dtype_cluster) if label>=0: pos_insert = -1 clusters[:-1] = self.clusters else: pos_insert = 0 clusters[1:] = self.clusters clusters['cluster_label'][pos_insert] = label clusters['cell_label'][pos_insert] = label clusters['extremum_channel'][pos_insert] = -1 clusters['extremum_amplitude'][pos_insert] = np.nan clusters['waveform_rms'][pos_insert] = np.nan clusters['nb_peak'][pos_insert] = np.sum(self.all_peaks['cluster_label']==label) self.arrays.add_array('clusters', clusters, self.memory_mode) for name in _centroids_arrays: arr = getattr(self, name).copy() if arr.ndim == 3: new_arr = np.zeros((arr.shape[0]+1, arr.shape[1], arr.shape[2]), dtype=arr.dtype) else: # special case "centroids_sparse_mask" new_arr = np.zeros((arr.shape[0]+1, arr.shape[1]), dtype=arr.dtype) if label>=0: new_arr[:-1] = arr else: new_arr[1:] = arr self.arrays.add_array(name, new_arr, self.memory_mode) #TODO set one color self.refresh_colors(reset=False) self.extend_cached_waveforms(label) self.compute_one_centroid(label) def index_of_label(self, label): ind = np.nonzero(self.clusters['cluster_label']==label)[0][0] return ind def remove_one_cluster(self, label): print('WARNING remove_one_cluster') # This should not be called any more # because name ambiguous self.pop_labels_from_cluster([label]) def pop_labels_from_cluster(self, labels): # this reduce the array clusters by removing some labels # warning all_peak are touched if isinstance(labels, int): labels = [labels] keep = np.ones(self.clusters.size, dtype='bool') for k in labels: ind = self.index_of_label(k) keep[ind] = False clusters = self.clusters[keep].copy() self.arrays.add_array('clusters', clusters, self.memory_mode) for name in _centroids_arrays: new_arr = getattr(self, name)[keep].copy() # first dim is cluster for all self.arrays.add_array(name, new_arr, self.memory_mode) def move_cluster_to_trash(self, labels): if isinstance(labels, int): labels = [labels] mask = np.zeros(self.all_peaks.size, dtype='bool') for k in labels: mask |= self.all_peaks['cluster_label']== k self.change_spike_label(mask, labelcodes.LABEL_TRASH) def compute_one_centroid(self, k, flush=True, n_spike_for_centroid=None): #~ t1 = time.perf_counter() if n_spike_for_centroid is None: n_spike_for_centroid = self.n_spike_for_centroid ind = self.index_of_label(k) n_left =['extract_waveforms']['n_left'] n_right =['extract_waveforms']['n_right'] n_left_long = int(['extract_waveforms']['n_left_long']) n_right_long = int(['extract_waveforms']['n_right_long']) peak_sign =['peak_detector']['peak_sign'] if not hasattr(self, 'some_wavefroms') or self.some_waveforms is None: # waveforms not cached selected, = np.nonzero(self.all_peaks['cluster_label'][self.some_peaks_index]==k) if selected.size>n_spike_for_centroid: keep = np.random.choice(selected.size, n_spike_for_centroid, replace=False) selected = selected[keep] wf = self.get_some_waveforms(peaks_index=self.some_peaks_index[selected], channel_indexes=None, n_left=n_left_long, n_right=n_right_long) else: wf = self.get_cached_waveforms(k, long=True) median_long, mad_long = median_mad(wf, axis = 0) # mean, std = np.mean(wf, axis=0), np.std(wf, axis=0) # TODO rome the mean/std if peak_sign == '-': extremum_channel = np.argmin(median_long[-n_left_long,:], axis=0) elif peak_sign == '+': extremum_channel = np.argmax(median_long[-n_left_long,:], axis=0) i0 = n_left - n_left_long i1 = n_right_long - n_right median = median_long[i0:-i1, :] mad = mad_long[i0:-i1, :] # to persistant arrays self.centroids_median_long[ind, :, :] = median_long self.centroids_median[ind, :, :] = median self.centroids_mad[ind, :, :] = mad #~ self.centroids_mean[ind, :, :] = mean #~ self.centroids_std[ind, :, :] = std self.centroids_mean[ind, :, :] = 0 self.centroids_std[ind, :, :] = 0 self.centroids_sparse_mask[ind, :] = np.any(np.abs(median) > self.sparse_threshold, axis=0) self.clusters['extremum_channel'][ind] = extremum_channel self.clusters['extremum_amplitude'][ind] = median[-n_left, extremum_channel] self.clusters['waveform_rms'][ind] = np.sqrt(np.mean(median**2)) if flush: for name in ('clusters',) + _centroids_arrays: self.arrays.flush_array(name) #~ t2 = time.perf_counter() #~ print('compute_one_centroid',k, t2-t1) def compute_several_centroids(self, labels, n_spike_for_centroid=None): # TODO make this in paralell for k in labels: self.compute_one_centroid(k, flush=False, n_spike_for_centroid=n_spike_for_centroid) # one global flush for name in ('clusters',) + _centroids_arrays: self.arrays.flush_array(name) def compute_all_centroid(self, n_spike_for_centroid=None): t1 = time.perf_counter() if self.some_peaks_index is None: for name in _centroids_arrays: self.arrays.detach_array(name) setattr(self, name, None) return n_left =['extract_waveforms']['n_left'] n_right =['extract_waveforms']['n_right'] n_left_long = int(['extract_waveforms']['n_left_long']) n_right_long = int(['extract_waveforms']['n_right_long']) for name in ('centroids_median', 'centroids_mad', 'centroids_mean', 'centroids_std',): empty = np.zeros((self.cluster_labels.size, n_right - n_left, self.nb_channel),['internal_dtype']) self.arrays.add_array(name, empty, self.memory_mode) empty = np.zeros((self.cluster_labels.size, n_right_long - n_left_long, self.nb_channel),['internal_dtype']) self.arrays.add_array('centroids_median_long', empty, self.memory_mode) mask = np.zeros((self.cluster_labels.size, self.nb_channel), dtype='bool') self.arrays.add_array('centroids_sparse_mask', mask, self.memory_mode) self.compute_several_centroids(self.positive_cluster_labels, n_spike_for_centroid=n_spike_for_centroid) def get_one_centroid(self, label, metric='median', long=False): ind = self.index_of_label(label) if long: centroid = self.centroids_median_long[ind, :, :].copy() else: attr = getattr(self, 'centroids_'+metric) # make a copy to avoid too much reference on the memmap object centroid = attr[ind, :, :].copy() return centroid def change_sparse_threshold(self, sparse_threshold=1.5):['sparse_threshold'] = sparse_threshold self.flush_info() self.load_info() # this make attribute for k in self.cluster_labels: if k <0: continue ind = self.index_of_label(k) median = self.centroids_median[ind, :, :] self.centroids_sparse_mask[ind, :] = np.any(np.abs(median) > self.sparse_threshold, axis=0) self.centroids_sparse_mask[ind, :] = np.any(np.abs(median) > self.sparse_threshold, axis=0) self.arrays.flush_array('centroids_sparse_mask') def refresh_colors(self, reset=True, palette='husl', interleaved=True): labels = self.positive_cluster_labels if reset: n = labels.size if interleaved and n>1: n1 = np.floor(np.sqrt(n)) n2 = np.ceil(n/n1) n = int(n1*n2) n1, n2 = int(n1), int(n2) else: n = np.sum((self.clusters['cluster_label']>=0) & (self.clusters['color']==0)) if n>0: colors_int32 = get_color_palette(n, palette=palette, output='int32') if reset and interleaved and n>1: colors_int32 = colors_int32.reshape(n1, n2).T.flatten() colors_int32 = colors_int32[:labels.size] if reset: mask = self.clusters['cluster_label']>=0 self.clusters['color'][mask] = colors_int32 else: mask = (self.clusters['cluster_label']>=0) & (self.clusters['color']==0) self.clusters['color'][mask] = colors_int32 #Make colors accessible by key self.colors = make_color_dict(self.clusters) def change_spike_label(self, mask, label): is_new = label not in self.clusters['cluster_label'] label_changed = np.unique(self.all_peaks['cluster_label'][mask]).tolist() self.all_peaks['cluster_label'][mask] = label if is_new: self.add_one_cluster(label) # this also compute centroid else: label_changed = label_changed + [label] to_remove = [] for k in label_changed: ind = self.index_of_label(k) nb_peak = np.sum(self.all_peaks['cluster_label']==k) self.clusters['nb_peak'][ind] = nb_peak if k>=0: if nb_peak>0: self.compute_one_centroid(k) else: to_remove.append(k) self.pop_labels_from_cluster(to_remove) self.arrays.flush_array('all_peaks') self.arrays.flush_array('clusters')
[docs] def split_cluster(self, label, method='kmeans', **kargs): """ This split one cluster by applying a new clustering method only on the subset. """ mask = self.all_peaks['cluster_label']==label self.find_clusters(method=method, selection=mask, **kargs)
def auto_split_cluster(self, **kargs): cleancluster.auto_split(self, n_spike_for_centroid=self.n_spike_for_centroid, n_jobs=self.n_jobs, **kargs) def trash_not_aligned(self, **kargs): cleancluster.trash_not_aligned(self, **kargs) def auto_merge_cluster(self, **kargs): cleancluster.auto_merge(self, **kargs) def trash_low_extremum(self, **kargs): cleancluster.trash_low_extremum(self, **kargs) def trash_small_cluster(self, **kargs): cleancluster.trash_small_cluster(self, **kargs) def remove_overlap(self, **kargs): cleancluster.remove_overlap(self, **kargs) def compute_cluster_similarity(self, method='cosine_similarity_with_max'): if self.centroids_median is None: self.compute_all_centroid() #~ t1 = time.perf_counter() labels = self.cluster_labels mask = labels>=0 wfs = self.centroids_median[mask, :, :] wfs = wfs.reshape(wfs.shape[0], -1) if wfs.size == 0: cluster_similarity = None else: cluster_similarity = metrics.cosine_similarity_with_max(wfs) if cluster_similarity is None: self.arrays.detach_array('cluster_similarity') self.cluster_similarity = None else: self.arrays.add_array('cluster_similarity', cluster_similarity.astype('float32'), self.memory_mode) #~ t2 = time.perf_counter() #~ print('compute_cluster_similarity', t2-t1) def detect_high_similarity(self, threshold=0.95): if self.cluster_similarity is None: self.compute_cluster_similarity() pairs = get_pairs_over_threshold(self.cluster_similarity, self.positive_cluster_labels, threshold) return pairs
[docs] def auto_merge_high_similarity(self, threshold=0.95): """Recursively merge all pairs with similarity hihger that a given threshold """ pairs = self.detect_high_similarity(threshold=threshold) already_merge = {} for k1, k2 in pairs: # merge if k2 still exists if k1 in already_merge: k1 = already_merge[k1] #~ print('auto_merge', k1, 'with', k2) mask = self.all_peaks['cluster_label'] == k2 self.all_peaks['cluster_label'][mask] = k1 already_merge[k2] = k1 self.pop_labels_from_cluster([k2])
def compute_cluster_ratio_similarity(self, method='cosine_similarity_with_max'): #~ print('compute_cluster_ratio_similarity') if self.centroids_median is None: self.compute_all_centroid() #~ if not hasattr(self, 'centroids'): #~ self.compute_centroid() #~ t1 = time.perf_counter() labels = self.positive_cluster_labels #TODO: this is stupid because cosine_similarity is the same at every scale!!! #so this is identique to compute_similarity() #find something else wf_normed = [] for ind, k in enumerate(self.clusters['cluster_label']): if k<0: continue #~ chan = self.centroids[k]['extremum_channel'] chan = self.clusters['extremum_channel'][ind] #~ median = self.centroids[k]['median'] median = self.centroids_median[ind, :, :] n_left = int(['extract_waveforms']['n_left']) wf_normed.append(median/np.abs(median[-n_left, chan])) wf_normed = np.array(wf_normed) if wf_normed.size == 0: cluster_ratio_similarity = None else: wf_normed_flat = wf_normed.swapaxes(1, 2).reshape(wf_normed.shape[0], -1) #~ cluster_ratio_similarity = metrics.compute_similarity(wf_normed_flat, 'cosine_similarity') cluster_ratio_similarity = metrics.cosine_similarity_with_max(wf_normed_flat) if cluster_ratio_similarity is None: self.arrays.detach_array('cluster_ratio_similarity') self.cluster_ratio_similarity = None else: self.arrays.add_array('cluster_ratio_similarity', cluster_ratio_similarity.astype('float32'), self.memory_mode) #~ return labels, ratio_similarity, wf_normed_flat #~ t2 = time.perf_counter() #~ print('compute_cluster_ratio_similarity', t2-t1) def detect_similar_waveform_ratio(self, threshold=0.9): if self.cluster_ratio_similarity is None: self.compute_cluster_ratio_similarity() pairs = get_pairs_over_threshold(self.cluster_ratio_similarity, self.positive_cluster_labels, threshold) return pairs def compute_spike_silhouette(self, size_max=1e7): #~ t1 = time.perf_counter() spike_silhouette = None if self.some_peaks_index is not None: wf = self.get_some_waveforms(peaks_index=self.some_peaks_index) wf = wf.reshape(wf.shape[0], -1) labels = self.all_peaks['cluster_label'][self.some_peaks_index] if wf.size<size_max: spike_silhouette = metrics.compute_silhouette(wf, labels, metric='euclidean') if spike_silhouette is None: self.arrays.detach_array('spike_silhouette') self.spike_silhouette = None else: self.arrays.add_array('spike_silhouette', spike_silhouette.astype('float32'), self.memory_mode) #~ t2 = time.perf_counter() #~ print('compute_spike_silhouette', t2-t1)
[docs] def tag_same_cell(self, labels_to_group): """ In some situation in spike burst the amplitude change baldly. In theses cases we can have 2 distinct cluster but the user suspect that it is the same cell. In such cases the user must not merge the 2 clusters because the centroids will represent nothing and and the Peeler.will fail. Instead we tag the 2 differents cluster as "same cell" so same cell_label. This is a manual action. """ inds, = np.nonzero(np.in1d(self.clusters['cluster_label'], labels_to_group)) self.clusters['cell_label'][inds] = min(labels_to_group)
[docs] def order_clusters(self, by='waveforms_rms'): """ This reorder labels from highest rms to lower rms. The higher rms the smaller label. Negative labels are not reassigned. """ if self.centroids_median is None: self.compute_all_centroid() if np.any(np.isnan(self.clusters[self.clusters['cluster_label']>=0]['waveform_rms'])): # MUST compute centroids #~ print('MUST compute centroids because nan') #~ self.compute_centroid() for ind, k in enumerate(self.clusters['cluster_label']): if k<0: continue if np.isnan(self.clusters[ind]['waveform_rms']): self.compute_one_centroid(k) clusters = self.clusters.copy() neg_clusters = clusters[clusters['cluster_label']<0] pos_clusters = clusters[clusters['cluster_label']>=0] #~ print('order_clusters', by) if by=='waveforms_rms': order = np.argsort(pos_clusters['waveform_rms'])[::-1] elif by=='extremum_amplitude': order = np.argsort(np.abs(pos_clusters['extremum_amplitude']))[::-1] else: raise(NotImplementedError) sorted_labels = pos_clusters['cluster_label'][order] #reassign labels for peaks and clusters if len(sorted_labels)>0: N = int(max(sorted_labels)*10) else: N = 0 self.all_peaks['cluster_label'][self.all_peaks['cluster_label']>=0] += N for new, old in enumerate(sorted_labels+N): self.all_peaks['cluster_label'][self.all_peaks['cluster_label']==old] = new pos_clusters = pos_clusters[order].copy() n = pos_clusters.size pos_clusters['cluster_label'] = np.arange(n) #this shoudl preserve previous identique cell_label pos_clusters['cell_label'] += N for i in range(n): k = pos_clusters['cell_label'][i] inds, = np.nonzero(pos_clusters['cell_label']==k) if (len(inds)>=1) and (inds[0] == i): pos_clusters['cell_label'][inds] = i new_cluster = np.concatenate((neg_clusters, pos_clusters)) self.clusters[:] = new_cluster # reasign centroids mask_pos= (self.clusters['cluster_label']>=0) for name in _centroids_arrays: arr = getattr(self, name) arr_pos = arr[mask_pos, ].copy() # first dim for all arr[mask_pos, ] = arr_pos[order, ] self.refresh_colors(reset=True) #~ self._reset_metrics() self._reset_arrays(_persistent_metrics)
#~ def compute_nearest_neighbor_similarity(self): #~ from .waveformtools import nearest_neighbor_similarity #~ snn = nearest_neighbor_similarity(self) def compute_boundaries(self, sparse_thresh_level1=1.5, plot_debug=False): assert self.some_waveforms is not None, 'run cc.cache_some_waveforms() first' keep = self.cluster_labels>=0 cluster_labels = self.clusters[keep]['cluster_label'].copy() centroids = self.centroids_median[keep, :, :].copy() #~ centroids[np.abs(centroids)<0.5] = 0. thresh =['peak_detector']['relative_threshold'] sparse_mask_level1 = compute_sparse_mask(centroids, self.mode, method='thresh', thresh=sparse_thresh_level1) #~ flat_shape = centroids.shape[0], centroids.shape[1] * centroids.shape[2] projections, neighbors = compute_projection(centroids, sparse_mask_level1) boundaries, scalar_products = compute_boundaries(self, centroids, sparse_mask_level1, projections, neighbors, plot_debug=False) # DEBUG # print('DEBUG boudaries -0.5 0.5') # this is left at the moment # TODO find something better boundaries[:, 0] = -0.5 boundaries[:, 1] = 0.5 boundaries[:, 2] = -0.5 boundaries[:, 3] = 0.5 #/ DEBUG if plot_debug: #~ if True: #~ if False: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt n = centroids.shape[0] colors_ = get_color_palette(n, palette='husl', output='rgb') colors = {i: colors_[i] for i, k in enumerate(cluster_labels)} for cluster_idx0, label0 in enumerate(cluster_labels): #~ if cluster_idx0 != 13: #~ continue colors_ = get_color_palette(n, palette='husl', output='rgb') colors = {i: colors_[i] for i, k in enumerate(cluster_labels)} #~ print() #~ print(cluster_idx0) #~ print(neighbors[cluster_idx0]) bins = np.arange(-3,3, 0.01) inner_sp = scalar_products[cluster_idx0, cluster_idx0] fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrows=3) ax = axs[0] count, bins = np.histogram(inner_sp, bins=bins, density=True) count = count / np.sum(count) ax.plot(bins[:-1], count, color=colors[cluster_idx0]) #~ ax.plot(bins[:-1], count, color='grey', ls='--', alpha=0.5) low = boundaries[cluster_idx0, 0] high = boundaries[cluster_idx0, 1] ax.axvline(low, color='k') ax.axvline(high, color='k') low = boundaries[cluster_idx0, 2] high = boundaries[cluster_idx0, 3] ax.axvline(low, color='grey', ls='--') ax.axvline(high, color='grey', ls='--') for cluster_idx1, label1 in enumerate(cluster_labels): if cluster_idx1 == cluster_idx0: continue cross_sp = scalar_products[cluster_idx0, cluster_idx1] count, bins = np.histogram(cross_sp, bins=bins) count = count / np.sum(count) ax.plot(bins[:-1], count, color=colors[cluster_idx1]) #~ ax2.plot(centroids[cluster_idx1, :, :].T.flatten(), color=colors[cluster_idx1]) feat_noise = scalar_products[cluster_idx0, -1] count, bins = np.histogram(feat_noise, bins=bins, density=True) count = count / np.sum(count) ax.plot(bins[:-1], count, color='k') #~ share_channel_clus, = np.nonzero(share_channel_mask[cluster_idx0]) nearest = neighbors[cluster_idx0] title = f'scalar_products {cluster_idx0} {nearest}' ax.set_title(title) #~ shape = centroids[cluster_idx0, :, :].shape #~ ax1.plot(projections[cluster_idx0, :].reshape(shape).T.flatten(), color='b') #~ ax2.plot(centroids[cluster_idx0, :, :].T.flatten(), color='k', ls='--') ax = axs[1] proj = projections[cluster_idx0, :, :] #~ proj = proj / np.sum(np.abs(proj)) proj = proj.T.flatten() cent = centroids[cluster_idx0, :, :].T.flatten() #~ fact = np.max(np.abs(cent)) / 6 ax.plot(cent, color=colors[cluster_idx0]) #~ ax.plot(cent + cent *proj*fact, color='k') #~ ax.plot(cent - cent *proj*fact, color='k') for cluster_idx1 in neighbors[cluster_idx0]: ax.plot(centroids[cluster_idx1, :, :].T.flatten(), color=colors[cluster_idx1]) ax = axs[2] ax.plot(proj, color='k') ax.get_shared_x_axes().join(axs[1], axs[2]) #~ return projections, boundaries def make_catalogue(self, inter_sample_oversampling=False, #~ inter_sample_oversampling=True, subsample_ratio='auto', sparse_thresh_level1=1., sparse_thresh_level2=3, sparse_channel_count=7, #~ sparse_thresh_level2=5, #~ sparse_thresh_extremum=-5, ): #TODO: offer possibility to resample some waveforms or choose the number #~ return #~ print('inter_sample_oversampling', inter_sample_oversampling) t1 = time.perf_counter() n_left =['extract_waveforms']['n_left'] n_right =['extract_waveforms']['n_right'] n_left_long =['extract_waveforms']['n_left_long'] n_right_long =['extract_waveforms']['n_right_long'] peak_sign =['peak_detector']['peak_sign'] self.catalogue = {} self.catalogue['chan_grp'] = self.chan_grp self.catalogue['inter_sample_oversampling'] = inter_sample_oversampling self.catalogue['mode'] = self.mode self.catalogue['n_left'] = n_left self.catalogue['n_right'] = n_right self.catalogue['n_left_long'] = n_left_long self.catalogue['n_right_long'] = n_right_long #~ self.catalogue['peak_width'] = self.catalogue['n_right'] - self.catalogue['n_left'] #for colors self.refresh_colors(reset=False) # TODO this is redundant with clusters, this shoudl be removed but imply some change in peeler. #~ keep = self.cluster_labels>=0 #order = np.argsort(self.clusters[keep]['waveform_rms'])[::-1] #~ cluster_labels = self.clusters[keep]['cluster_label'][order].copy() #~ self.catalogue['cluster_labels'] = cluster_labels #~ self.catalogue['clusters'] = self.clusters[keep][order].copy() #~ # take centroids for positive labems #~ keep = (self.cluster_labels >= 0) #~ centroids = self.centroids_median[keep, :, :][order,:,:].copy() keep = self.cluster_labels>=0 cluster_labels = self.clusters[keep]['cluster_label'].copy() self.catalogue['cluster_labels'] = cluster_labels self.catalogue['clusters'] = self.clusters[keep].copy() centroids = self.centroids_median[keep, :, :].copy() centroids_long = self.centroids_median_long[keep, :, :].copy() #~ print(self.cluster_labels) #~ print(keep.size, np.sum(keep)) #~ print(self.centroids_median.shape) #~ print(centroids.shape) #~ n, full_width, nchan = self.some_waveforms.shape #~ n = self.some_peaks_index.size #~ full_width =['extract_waveforms']['n_right'] -['extract_waveforms']['n_left'] catalogue_width = n_right - n_left catalogue_width_long = n_right_long - n_left_long full_width = catalogue_width + 4 #~ nchan = self.nb_channel centers0 = np.zeros((len(cluster_labels), catalogue_width, self.nb_channel),['internal_dtype']) self.catalogue['centers0'] = centers0 # median of wavforms centers0_long = np.zeros((len(cluster_labels), catalogue_width_long, self.nb_channel),['internal_dtype']) self.catalogue['centers0_long'] = centers0_long # median of wavforms # normed and sparse centers0 #~ centers0_normed = np.zeros((len(cluster_labels), catalogue_width, self.nb_channel),['internal_dtype']) #~ self.catalogue['centers0_normed'] = centers0_normed #~ self.catalogue['distance_limit'] = np.zeros(len(cluster_labels),['internal_dtype']) #~ mean_centroid, projector, feat_centroids, feat_distance_boundaries= self.compute_boundaries(sparse_thresh_level1=sparse_thresh_level1) #~ self.catalogue['feat_distance_boundaries'] = feat_distance_boundaries #~ self.catalogue['mean_centroid'] = mean_centroid #~ self.catalogue['feat_centroids'] = feat_centroids #~ self.catalogue['projector'] = projector projections, boundaries = self.compute_boundaries(sparse_thresh_level1=sparse_thresh_level1) self.catalogue['projections'] = projections self.catalogue['boundaries'] = boundaries #~ self.catalogue['sp_normed_limit'] = np.zeros((len(cluster_labels),2),['internal_dtype']) nb_cluster = cluster_labels.size #~ self.catalogue['extremum_channel'] = np.zeros(nb_cluster, dtype='int64') #~ self.catalogue['extremum_amplitude'] = np.zeros(nb_cluster, dtype='float32') #~ self.catalogue['sparse_mask_level1'] = np.zeros((nb_cluster,self.nb_channel), dtype='bool') #~ self.catalogue['sparse_mask_level2'] = np.zeros((nb_cluster,self.nb_channel), dtype='bool') #~ self.catalogue['sparse_mask_level3'] = np.zeros((nb_cluster,self.nb_channel), dtype='bool') #~ self.catalogue['sparse_mask_level4'] = np.zeros((nb_cluster,self.nb_channel), dtype='bool') #~ sparse_mask_level3 = compute_sparse_mask(centroids, self.mode, method='thresh', thresh=thresh) #~ sparse_mask_level4 = compute_sparse_mask(centroids, self.mode, method='nbest', nbest=5) self.catalogue['sparse_mask_level1'] = compute_sparse_mask(centroids, self.mode, method='thresh', thresh=sparse_thresh_level1) self.catalogue['sparse_mask_level2'] = compute_sparse_mask(centroids, self.mode, method='thresh', thresh=sparse_thresh_level2) thresh =['peak_detector']['relative_threshold'] self.catalogue['sparse_mask_level3'] = compute_sparse_mask(centroids, self.mode, method='thresh', thresh=thresh) #~ self.catalogue['sparse_mask_level4'] = compute_sparse_mask(centroids, self.mode, method='nbest', nbest=5) # weight for distances #~ template_weight = np.std(centroids, axis=0) #~ template_weight /= np.sum(template_weight, axis=0) #~ template_weight /= np.sum(template_weight) #~ self.catalogue['template_weight'] = template_weight self.catalogue['label_to_index'] = {} #~ self.catalogue['nearest_templates'] = {} # first loop to compute mask and centers_normed for i, k in enumerate(cluster_labels): self.catalogue['label_to_index'][k] = i center0 = centroids[i, :,:] centers0[i,:,:] = center0 center0_long = centroids_long[i, :,:] centers0_long[i,:,:] = center0_long #~ if self.mode == 'dense': #~ # see notes in PeelerEngineBase for which sparse mask is for what #~ sparse_mask_level1 = np.ones(self.nb_channel, dtype='bool') #~ sparse_mask_level2 = np.ones(self.nb_channel, dtype='bool') #~ sparse_mask_level3 = np.ones(self.nb_channel, dtype='bool') #~ else: #~ sparse_mask_level1 = np.any(np.abs(center0) > sparse_thresh_level1, axis=0) #~ sparse_mask_level2 = np.any(np.abs(center0)>sparse_thresh_level2, axis=0) #~ thresh =['peak_detector']['relative_threshold'] #~ sparse_mask_level3 = np.any(np.abs(center0)>thresh, axis=0) #~ sparse_mask_level3 = np.ones(self.nb_channel, dtype='bool') # DEBUG #~ sparse_mask_level3 = np.any(np.abs(center0)>sparse_thresh_level2, axis=0) # DEBUG #~ sparse_mask_level4 = sparse_mask_level2.copy() #~ if np.sum(sparse_mask_level4) > sparse_channel_count: #~ best_channel_order = np.argsort(np.max(np.abs(center0), axis=0))[::-1] #~ best_channel_order = best_channel_order[:sparse_channel_count] #~ sparse_mask_level4[:] = False #~ sparse_mask_level4[best_channel_order] = True #~ self.catalogue['sparse_mask_level1'][i, :] = sparse_mask_level1 #~ self.catalogue['sparse_mask_level2'][i, :] = sparse_mask_level2 #~ self.catalogue['sparse_mask_level3'][i, :] = sparse_mask_level3 #~ self.catalogue['sparse_mask_level4'][i, :] = sparse_mask_level4 #~ sparse_mask_level1 = self.catalogue['sparse_mask_level1'][i, :] #~ center0_normed = center0.copy() #~ center0_normed[:, ~sparse_mask_level1] = 0 # normalisaton par nrj #center0_normed /= np.sum(center0_normed**2) # normalisation by extrema #~ if peak_sign == '-': #~ center0_normed /= np.abs(np.min(center0_normed)) #~ elif peak_sign == '+': #~ center0_normed /= np.abs(np.max(center0_normed)) #~ center0_normed /= np.sum(center0_normed**2) #~ self.catalogue['centers0_normed'][i, :] = center0_normed #~ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #~ fig, ax = plt.subplots() #~ ax.plot(centers0_normed.swapaxes(1,2).reshape(centers0_normed.shape[0], -1).T) #~ n = len(cluster_labels) # dim 3 = quantile 50, quantile 5, quantile 95 #~ cross_scalar_products = np.zeros((n, n, 3)) # loop to get some waveform again to compute: # * derivative if necessary if inter_sample_oversampling: raise NotImplementedError # TODO propagate center_long to this section and peeler centers1 = np.zeros_like(centers0) centers2 = np.zeros_like(centers0) self.catalogue['centers1'] = centers1 # median of first derivative of wavforms self.catalogue['centers2'] = centers2 # median of second derivative of wavforms if subsample_ratio == 'auto': # upsample to 200kHz subsample_ratio = int(np.ceil(200000/self.dataio.sample_rate)) #~ print('subsample_ratio auto', subsample_ratio) original_time = np.arange(full_width) #~ subsample_time = np.arange(1.5, full_width-2.5, 1./subsample_ratio) subsample_time = np.arange(0, (full_width-1), 1./subsample_ratio) self.catalogue['subsample_ratio'] = subsample_ratio interp_centers0 = np.zeros((len(cluster_labels), subsample_ratio*catalogue_width, self.nb_channel),['internal_dtype']) self.catalogue['interp_centers0'] = interp_centers0 for i, k in enumerate(cluster_labels): # sample waveforms selected, = np.nonzero(self.all_peaks['cluster_label'][self.some_peaks_index]==k) if selected.size>self.n_spike_for_centroid: keep = np.random.choice(selected.size, self.n_spike_for_centroid, replace=False) selected = selected[keep] wf0_large = self.get_some_waveforms(peaks_index=self.some_peaks_index[selected], n_left=n_left-2, n_right=n_right+2) wf0 = wf0_large[:, 2:-2,:] # compute first and second derivative on dim=1 (time) wf1_large = np.zeros_like(wf0_large) wf1_large[:, 1:-1, :] = (wf0_large[:, 2:,: ] - wf0_large[:, :-2,: ])/2. wf2_large = np.zeros_like(wf1_large) wf2_large[:, 1:-1, :] = (wf1_large[:, 2:,: ] - wf1_large[:, :-2,: ])/2. #median and #eliminate margin because of border effect of derivative and reshape center0_large = np.median(wf0_large, axis=0) #~ center0 = center0_large[2:-2, :] #~ centers0[i,:,:] = center0 centers1[i,:,:] = np.median(wf1_large, axis=0)[2:-2, :] centers2[i,:,:] = np.median(wf2_large, axis=0)[2:-2, :] #interpolate centers0 for reconstruction inbetween bsample when jitter is estimated f = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(original_time, center0_large, axis=0, kind='cubic', ) oversampled_center = f(subsample_time) extremum_channel = self.catalogue['clusters'][i]['extremum_channel'] #find max channel for each cluster for peak alignement ind_max = np.argmax(np.abs(oversampled_center[(-n_left + 1)*subsample_ratio:(-n_left + 3)*subsample_ratio, extremum_channel])) ind_max += (-n_left +1)*subsample_ratio i1 = int(ind_max + (n_left-0.5) * subsample_ratio) i2 = i1 + subsample_ratio*catalogue_width interp_centers0[i, :, :] = oversampled_center[i1:i2, :] #params propagation self.catalogue['signal_preprocessor_params'] = dict(['preprocessor']) self.catalogue['peak_detector_params'] = dict(['peak_detector']) self.catalogue['clean_peaks_params'] = dict(['clean_peaks']) self.catalogue['signals_medians'] = np.array(self.signals_medians, copy=True) self.catalogue['signals_mads'] = np.array(self.signals_mads, copy=True) #~ t2 = time.perf_counter() #~ print('make_catalogue', t2-t1) return self.catalogue
[docs] def make_catalogue_for_peeler(self, catalogue_name='initial', **kargs): """ Make and save catalogue in the working dir for the Peeler. """ # DEBUG #~ return self.make_catalogue(**kargs) self.dataio.save_catalogue(self.catalogue, name=catalogue_name)
[docs] def create_savepoint(self, name=None): """this create a copy of the entire catalogue_constructor subdir Usefull for the UI when the user wants to snapshot and try tricky merge/split. """ if name is None: name = '{:%Y-%m-%d_%Hh%Mm%S}'.format( copy_path = self.catalogue_path + '_SAVEPOINT_' + name if not os.path.exists(copy_path): shutil.copytree(self.catalogue_path, copy_path) return copy_path
[docs] def apply_all_steps(self, params, verbose=True): """ """ apply_all_catalogue_steps(self, params, verbose=verbose)