Source code for tridesclous.gui.ndscatter

This should be rewritte with vispy but I don't have time now...
from .myqt import QT
import pyqtgraph as pg

from matplotlib.path import Path as mpl_path

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

import itertools

from .base import WidgetBase
from .tools import ParamDialog
from import median_mad, get_neighborhood
from .. import labelcodes

class MyViewBox(pg.ViewBox):
    doubleclicked = QT.pyqtSignal()
    gain_zoom = QT.pyqtSignal(float)
    #~ xsize_zoom = QT.pyqtSignal(float)
    #~ lasso_started = QT.pyqtSignal()
    lasso_drawing = QT.pyqtSignal(object)
    lasso_finished = QT.pyqtSignal(object)
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
        pg.ViewBox.__init__(self, *args, **kwds)
        self.drag_points = []
    def mouseClickEvent(self, ev):
    def mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, ev):
    def wheelEvent(self, ev, axis=None):
        if ev.modifiers() == QT.Qt.ControlModifier:
            z = 10 if>0 else 1/10.
            z = 1.3 if>0 else 1/1.3
    def mouseDragEvent(self, ev):
        if ev.button()!=1: return
        if ev.isStart():
            self.drag_points = []
        pos = self.mapToView(ev.pos())
        self.drag_points.append([pos.x(), pos.y()])
        if ev.isFinish():

[docs]class NDScatter(WidgetBase): """ ND Scatter a central beast for the catalogue window. It try to mimic `RGGobi viewer package <>`_. Displaying clusters in high (more than 3!) dimensional space is difficult. To overcome this problem, some people use a combination of 2D plots of all pairs of dimensions. Others use various 3D representations. However in this two cases the view angle is seriously restricted: it is the projection of a big hyper cube (ND) onto only one face (2D or 3D) of this hyper cube. In real life, two clusters are not necessary well separated in one of this hyper-cube's face but better in a complex hyper plane that brings into play a combination of all features/dimensions. ND Scatter project randomly N-D space into 2-D space. Furthermore it do it dynamically. This is the **random tour**. If you want to compare how 2 by 2 components are displayed in other tools you can use **next face**. This will combined (PC0, PC1), then (PC0, PC2), ... For very high dimention, ND Scatter is not enough, for so ND scatter is guided in feature selection with the probe geometry. In short when you set visible some label with the **Cluster list** this automatically activated the dimenssions that must but visible (and rodomized) and hidden. This is based on **max_on_channel** property of clusters. This is the **auto_select_component** in settings. Note that you can define a radius in micometers arround the channel of the max so that all component in a neighborhood of thsi channel will be also displayed. this is based on the PRB file that **need to have the units in μm** (contrary to phy where units is not important for plotting) Note: * for too dense cluster you can limit the nb of dot dsiplayed. It helps a lot when density of clusters are differents. The is the role of **random decimate** button * you can manually activate/deactivate componant just for to understand. * mouse wheel will zoom both X et Y * with right click you can draw a **lasso**. This will select peak inside the poly on the projected hyperplan. This is in fact the secret weappon of tridesclous. It help a lot for au zoom on trace for "strange" point ouside main clouds. It can help to understand if they are in fact superposition of several spikes or very few dense cluster. * not all peak can be visible here only thosse wich have a waveform and so a feature. remember that not all waveforms are taken for clustering but only a subset. Getting everything is the role of the Peeler. * This viewer take some CPU ressource since in **random tour** a is done for each step. """ _params = [{'name': 'refresh_interval', 'type': 'float', 'value': 100 }, {'name': 'nb_step', 'type': 'int', 'value': 10, 'limits' : [5, 100] }, {'name': 'max_visible_by_cluster', 'type': 'int', 'value': 1000, 'limits' : [10, 10000], 'step':50 }, {'name': 'auto_select_component', 'type': 'bool', 'value': True}, {'name': 'radius_um', 'type': 'float', 'value': 300.}, ] def __init__(self, controller=None, parent=None): WidgetBase.__init__(self, parent=parent, controller=controller) self.layout = QT.QHBoxLayout() self.setLayout(self.layout) self.create_toolbar() self.graphicsview = pg.GraphicsView() self.layout.addWidget(self.graphicsview) self.toolbar.addStretch() self.graphicsview2 = pg.GraphicsView() self.toolbar.addWidget(self.graphicsview2) #~ _params = [{'name': 'refresh_interval', 'type': 'float', 'value': 100 }, #~ {'name': 'nb_step', 'type': 'int', 'value': 10, 'limits' : [5, 100] }, #~ {'name': 'max_visible_by_cluster', 'type': 'int', 'value': 1000, 'limits' : [10, 10000], 'step':50 }, #~ ] #~ self.params = pg.parametertree.Parameter.create( name='Global options', type='group', children = _params) #~ self.tree_params = pg.parametertree.ParameterTree(parent = self) #~ self.tree_params.header().hide() #~ self.tree_params.setParameters(self.params, showTop=True) #~ self.tree_params.setWindowTitle(u'Options for NDScatter') #~ self.tree_params.setWindowFlags(QT.Qt.Window) self.timer_tour = QT.QTimer(interval = 100) self.timer_tour.timeout.connect(self.new_tour_step) if is not None: self.initialize() self.refresh() def create_toolbar(self): tb = self.toolbar = QT.QVBoxLayout() self.layout.addLayout(tb) but = QT.QPushButton('next face') tb.addWidget(but) but.clicked.connect(self.next_face) but = QT.QPushButton('Random') tb.addWidget(but) but.clicked.connect(self.random_projection) but = QT.QPushButton('Random tour', checkable = True) tb.addWidget(but) but.clicked.connect(self.start_stop_tour) but = QT.QPushButton('settings') but.clicked.connect(self.open_settings) tb.addWidget(but) but = QT.QPushButton('random decimate', icon=QT.QIcon.fromTheme("roll")) but.clicked.connect(self.by_cluster_random_decimate) tb.addWidget(but) but = QT.QPushButton('select component') but.clicked.connect(self.open_select_component) tb.addWidget(but) def open_select_component(self): ndim =[1] params = [{'name' : 'comp {}'.format(i), 'type':'bool', 'value' : self.selected_comp[i]} for i in range(ndim)] dialog = ParamDialog(params, title = 'Select component') if dialog.exec_(): p = dialog.get() for i in range(ndim): self.selected_comp[i] = p['comp {}'.format(i)] self.refresh() # this handle data with propties so model change shoudl not affect so much teh code @property def data(self): return self.controller.some_features def data_by_label(self, k): if len(self.point_visible) !=[0]: self.point_visible = np.zeros([0], dtype=bool) self.by_cluster_random_decimate() if k=='sel': data =[self.controller.spike_selection[self.controller.some_peaks_index]] elif k==labelcodes.LABEL_NOISE: data = self.controller.some_noise_features else: data =[(self.controller.spike_label[self.controller.some_peaks_index]==k) & self.point_visible] return data def by_cluster_random_decimate(self, clicked=None, refresh=True): m = self.params['max_visible_by_cluster'] for k in self.controller.cluster_labels: mask = self.controller.spike_label[self.controller.some_peaks_index]==k if self.controller.cluster_count[k]>m: self.point_visible[mask] = False visible, = np.nonzero(mask) if visible.size>0: visible = np.random.choice(visible, size=m) self.point_visible[visible] = True else: self.point_visible[mask] = True if refresh: self.refresh() def get_color(self, k): color = self.controller.qcolors.get(k, QT.QColor( 'white')) return color def is_cluster_visible(self, k): return self.controller.cluster_visible[k] def initialize(self): if is None: return self.viewBox = MyViewBox() self.viewBox.gain_zoom.connect(self.gain_zoom) #~ self.viewBox.lasso_started.connect(self.on_lasso_started) self.viewBox.lasso_drawing.connect(self.on_lasso_drawing) self.viewBox.lasso_finished.connect(self.on_lasso_finished) self.plot = pg.PlotItem(viewBox=self.viewBox) self.graphicsview.setCentralItem(self.plot) self.plot.hideButtons() self.scatter = pg.ScatterPlotItem(size=3, pxMode = True) self.plot.addItem(self.scatter) self.scatter.sigClicked.connect(self.on_scatter_clicked) brush = QT.QColor( 'magenta') brush.setAlpha(180) self.scatter_select = pg.ScatterPlotItem(pen=pg.mkPen(None), brush=brush, size=11, pxMode = True) self.plot.addItem(self.scatter_select) self.scatter_select.setZValue(1000) color = self.controller.qcolors.get(labelcodes.LABEL_NOISE) self.scatter_noise = pg.ScatterPlotItem(pen=pg.mkPen(None), brush=color, size=3, pxMode = True) self.plot.addItem(self.scatter_noise) self.lasso = pg.PlotCurveItem(pen='#7FFF00') self.plot.addItem(self.lasso) med, mad = median_mad( m = 4.*np.max(mad) self.limit = m self.plot.setXRange(-m, m) self.plot.setYRange(-m, m) ndim =[1] self.selected_comp = np.ones( (ndim), dtype='bool') self.projection = np.zeros( (ndim, 2)) self.projection[0,0] = 1. self.projection[1,1] = 1. self.point_visible = np.zeros([0], dtype=bool) self.by_cluster_random_decimate(refresh=False) self.plot2 = pg.PlotItem(viewBox=MyViewBox(lockAspect=True)) self.graphicsview2.setCentralItem(self.plot2) self.plot2.hideButtons() angles = np.arange(0,360, .1) = pg.PlotCurveItem(x=np.cos(angles), y=np.sin(angles), pen=(255,255,255)) self.plot2.addItem( self.direction_lines = pg.PlotCurveItem(x=[], y=[], pen=(255,255,255)) self.direction_data = np.zeros( (ndim*2, 2)) self.plot2.addItem(self.direction_lines) self.plot2.setXRange(-1, 1) self.plot2.setYRange(-1, 1) self.proj_labels = [] for i in range(ndim): text = 'PC{}'.format(i) label = pg.TextItem(text, color=(1,1,1), anchor=(0.5, 0.5), border=None, fill=pg.mkColor((128,128,128, 180))) self.proj_labels.append(label) self.plot2.addItem(label) self.graphicsview2.setMaximumSize(200, 200) #~ self.hyper_faces = list(itertools.product(range(ndim), range(ndim))) self.hyper_faces = list(itertools.permutations(range(ndim), 2)) self.n_face = -1 def next_face(self): self.n_face += 1 self.n_face = self.n_face%len(self.hyper_faces) ndim =[1] self.projection = np.zeros( (ndim, 2)) i, j = self.hyper_faces[self.n_face] self.projection[i,0] = 1. self.projection[j,1] = 1. if self.timer_tour.isActive(): self.tour_step = 0 self.refresh() def get_one_random_projection(self): ndim =[1] projection = np.random.rand(ndim,2)*2-1. projection[~self.selected_comp] = 0 m = np.sqrt(np.sum(projection**2, axis=0)) projection /= m return projection def random_projection(self): self.projection = self.get_one_random_projection() if self.timer_tour.isActive(): self.tour_step == 0 self.refresh() def apply_dot(self, data): projected =[:, self.selected_comp ], self.projection[self.selected_comp, :]) return projected def refresh(self): if is None: if hasattr(self, 'plot'): self.plot.clear() return if not hasattr(self, 'viewBox'): self.initialize() if[1] != self.projection.shape[0]: self.initialize() #ndscatter self.scatter.clear() for k in self.controller.cluster_labels: if not self.is_cluster_visible(k): continue data = self.data_by_label(k) #~ projected =, self.projection ) projected = self.apply_dot(data) color = self.get_color(k) self.scatter.addPoints(x=projected[:,0], y=projected[:,1], pen=pg.mkPen(None), brush=color) #selection scatter data_sel = self.data_by_label('sel') #~ projected =, self.projection ) projected = self.apply_dot(data_sel) self.scatter_select.setData(projected[:,0], projected[:,1]) #noise if self.is_cluster_visible(labelcodes.LABEL_NOISE): data_noise = self.data_by_label(labelcodes.LABEL_NOISE) if data_noise is not None: projected = self.apply_dot(data_noise) self.scatter_noise.setData(projected[:,0], projected[:,1]) else: self.scatter_noise.hide() #projection axes proj = self.projection.copy() proj[~self.selected_comp, :] = 0 self.direction_data[::, :] =0 #~ self.direction_data[::2, :] = self.projection self.direction_data[::2, :] = proj self.direction_lines.setData(self.direction_data[:,0], self.direction_data[:,1]) for i, label in enumerate(self.proj_labels): if self.selected_comp[i]: label.setPos(self.projection[i,0], self.projection[i,1]) else: label.hide() self.graphicsview.repaint() def start_stop_tour(self, checked): if checked: self.tour_step = 0 self.timer_tour.setInterval(self.params['refresh_interval']) self.timer_tour.start() else: self.timer_tour.stop() def new_tour_step(self): if is None: return nb_step = self.params['nb_step'] ndim =[1] if self.tour_step == 0: self.tour_steps = np.empty( (ndim , 2 , nb_step)) arrival = self.get_one_random_projection() for i in range(ndim): for j in range(2): self.tour_steps[i,j , : ] = np.linspace(self.projection[i,j] , arrival[i,j] , nb_step) m = np.sqrt(np.sum(self.tour_steps**2, axis=0)) m = m[np.newaxis, : , :] self.tour_steps /= m self.projection = self.tour_steps[:,:,self.tour_step] self.tour_step+=1 if self.tour_step>=nb_step: self.tour_step = 0 self.refresh() def gain_zoom(self, factor): self.limit /= factor l = float(self.limit) self.plot.setXRange(-l, l) self.plot.setYRange(-l, l) def on_scatter_clicked(self,plots, points): self.controller.spike_selection[:] = False if len(points)==1: #~ projected =, self.projection ) projected = self.apply_dot( pos = points[0].pos() pos = [pos.x(), pos.y()] ind = np.argmin(np.sum((projected-pos)**2, axis=1)) self.controller.spike_selection[self.controller.some_peaks_index[ind]] = True self.refresh() self.spike_selection_changed.emit() def on_lasso_drawing(self, points): points = np.array(points) self.lasso.setData(points[:, 0], points[:, 1]) def on_lasso_finished(self, points): self.lasso.setData([], []) vertices = np.array(points) self.controller.spike_selection[:] = False #~ projected =, self.projection ) projected = self.apply_dot( inside = inside_poly(projected, vertices) visibles = self.controller.spike_visible[self.controller.some_peaks_index] self.controller.spike_selection[self.controller.some_peaks_index[inside&visibles]] = True self.refresh() self.spike_selection_changed.emit() def auto_select_component(self): if is None: return # take all component that corespon to a channel max and neighborhood neighborhood = get_neighborhood(self.controller.geometry, self.params['radius_um']) ndim =[1] self.selected_comp = np.zeros( (ndim), dtype='bool') for k, v in self.controller.cluster_visible.items(): if not v: continue c = self.controller.get_max_on_channel(k) if c is not None: chan_mask = neighborhood[c,:] #~ print('c', c, chan_mask) feat_mask = np.sum(self.controller.channel_to_features[chan_mask, :], axis=0).astype('bool') #~ print(feat_mask) self.selected_comp |= feat_mask #~ print('auto_select_component', self.selected_comp) #~ def on_spike_selection_changed(self): #~ self.refresh() #~ def on_spike_label_changed(self): #~ self.refresh() #~ def on_colors_changed(self): #~ self.refresh() def on_cluster_visibility_changed(self): if is None: return if self.params['auto_select_component']: self.auto_select_component() #~ self.refresh() self.random_projection()
def inside_poly(data, vertices): return mpl_path(vertices).contains_points(data)